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Religious Education



At Aintree Davenhill, R.E. is taught in both a discreet way (this means that the subject is taught as a standalone lesson or as a series of lessons) or it can be taught in a creative, themed way, where it is linked to topics, theme days or theme weeks. At Aintree Davenhill, we follow the "Sefton Agreed Syllabus for R.E." which was reviewed in 2016. This is our legal document, but each school is allowed to adapt plans and themes to link in with the needs of the pupils and the needs of the school. We cover the main attainment targets for R.E. based on the level of our children's needs. There is a balance in R.E. between learning about Religions i.e. facts, artefacts, specific details and common themes across religions, to learning from religion i.e. thoughts, perceptions, analysing facts and looking at the meaning of stories and events in history.



Collective Worship is the gathering together of children for a time of reflection. It is a time to think, share ideas and discuss current issues, topics and themes in a calm, non-judgemental manner. We meet three times a week in our key phases/key stages to have assemblies. We celebrate success and discuss times in our lives that may be difficult. Each gathering for Collective Worship should end with a shared moment of contemplation. At Aintree Davenhill we respect all Religions and people of the world. We follow the legal guidelines for Collective Worship and the majority, approximately 70% of our Collective Worship time, has a distinctive Christian thread to it.


Aintree Davenhill has a close working relationship with St Giles Church and Hope Community Church. At key times of the year we hold services in school linked to our collective worship themes. We also take part in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Giles each year. 


R.E. is lead in school by Mr Agar.

The Right of Withdrawal from Religious Education
