This is an important year as children move into Key Stage 2. We will be working hard to ensure that your child has a smooth transition and a happy and productive experience.
Mrs Newman
Miss Hickey
Mrs Payne
Miss Johnstone
Mr Barker
Mrs Farrell
Every night: All children should access TTRS to practice their times tables.
Monday: Written homework will be given out to be returned the following Monday.
We ask that parents ensure their children complete homework as this will help to consolidate what is learnt in school. There will be many opportunities for parents to get involved in the school community, so look out for any special events that you may wish to participate in.
We encourage a strong home-school link which will help support your child in their learning and development.
The children have a P.E. lesson every Friday, they should come to school in their P.E. kit on this day and earrings should be removed before coming to school.
Autumn Term
Liverpool the UK and Europe
The Stone Age
Spring Term
The Mediterranean
The Romans
Summer Term
The Romans
Natural Disasters