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School Complaints

The Governing Body’s Position on Low Level, Opinion-Based Complaints


We are concerned by the growing number of queries and complaints that the school is receiving about operational procedures, e.g. the organisation of the nativities and school discos.


Senior leaders and school staff make every decision, first and foremost, with the best interests of the children in mind.


Answering so many queries about why events are being organised in a particular way, takes up a lot of teacher and senior leadership time which could be spent on teaching and learning. Complaints of this nature undoubtedly have a negative impact on the morale and well-being of members of staff who have often given up a lot of their free time to plan and prepare these events.


The school is always looking for ways to improve how we support our children and our families, and we will continue to pro-actively deal with any serious concerns or complaints but we will only respond to low level, opinion-based complaints about operational matters if we consider it appropriate. In other instances, parents will be referred to this statement.


School staff would always prefer to talk to parents face to face or on the telephone to discuss any serious concerns they may have in order to try and resolve any issues. We would encourage parents in the first instance to contact their child’s class teacher, then Miss Taylor (EYFS and KS1) or Miss Siveyer (KS2) and finally Miss Clay, about any complaints the school needs to address. If you are unhappy about how the school has dealt with your complaint, please follow the complaints procedure.
