This is an important year and we will be working hard to ensure that your child has a happy and productive year which gets them suitably ready for Year 6. There are some fascinating topics and exciting trips to be enjoyed as well.
Miss Clarke
Mr Briscoe
Miss Yule
Mrs Hardwick
Mrs Hughes
English grammar and punctuation Thursday for Thursday. Maths Thursday for Thursday. Times tables and reading should occur on a daily basis to support your child and access to Edshet should be on a weekly basis.
We welcome the support of parents both at home and in school and parent volunteers for one to one reading support in school would be greatly appreciated. Helping your child with homework, reading and times tables will increase their confidence in school and help consolidate what they have learnt. We would love for you to join us in school at our special events.
P.E. days are subject to change. Please make sure your child always has their kit in school. Kits will be sent home at half term for a wash!
Autumn Term
Farming and it's impact
World War I
Spring Term
Victorian Innovation
Hills and Mountains
Summer Term
Ancient Egypt
Earth and Space
Materials and their Properties
Scientists and Inventors
Living Things and their Habitats
Human Life Cycles
We strive to enrich the curriculum with a range of visits both in and out of school ensuring they promote learning and further interest.