At Aintree Davenhill Nursery, we encourage our three and four year-olds to grow in confidence and independence as they explore the exciting opportunities of the setting both indoor and outdoor. Emphasis is placed on the children's social interactions, physical development and emotional well-being. They develop their language skills through interactions with their peers and adults who encourage these skills at every opportunity. The children are immersed in a rich language environment via songs, stories, non-fiction books and a variety of interactive media. Interesting questions form the basis of our topics and challenge the children's thinking skills whilst broadening their active vocabulary and their knowledge and understanding of the world. Our children are also supported in the acquisition of literacy skills through an introduction to letter and sound recognition via a carefully structured programme. Nursery provides opportunities for children to develop their mathematical knowledge and understanding, ensuring they can explore number, shape and measures with fun and stimulating activities. The children benefit from our Nursery trips and from visitors who provide interesting insights into the topic areas to enhance their learning experience.
Miss Dower
Miss Miller
Mrs McCulloch
Class library books
Topic-related home-learning
Parental Involvement
Stay and play sessions are usually held during Summer term
Topics covered in Nursery
Autumn Term
Marvellous Me
Day and Night
Spring Term
Once Upon a Time
On the Farm - Growing and Changing
Summer Term
All Creatures Great and Small
Wonderful Water
We have a range of visits and visitors connected to different topics.