To ensure excellence and enjoyment permeates every aspect of school life.
To develop resilient learners who are risk takers and accept making mistakes as part of their learning journey.
To encourage and develop a lifelong love of learning.
To provide a caring and stimulating environment where high expectations, effective teaching and challenge, equip children to become independent learners.
To develop the emotional resilience of children, enabling them to overcome any barriers to their learning, by instilling a “can-do” attitude.
To ensure that children are educated to make healthy choices for both body and mind.
To help children to become financially aware and able to start making sensible financial choices.
To be an inclusive school ensuring equal opportunities for all.
To develop strong family links and support, involving parents fully in their children’s education.
Following the 2012 Olympics, the school adopted the Olympic Values of:
Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Equality, Inspiration, Courage and Determination.
These values are promoted in each class and discussed in subjects across the curriculum as appropriate throughout the school year. Local church ministers support the school in guiding the children to become good citizens.
During assemblies, PSHE and School Council meetings the United Nations rights of the child are addressed, in context, ensuring that children are aware of their basic rights and responsibilities.