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Sports Day

Monday 3 July 9:15 am - Year 5 and Year 6

Tuesday 4 July 9:15 am - Year 3 and Year 4

Wednesday 5 July 9:15 am - Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 6 July 9:15 am - Nursery

Thursday 6 July 2:15 pm - Reception

In order that everyone is able to enjoy the event, we would like to remind parents of our ‘Parent Code of Conduct’. For the safety of all our children, photographs or recordings of the children should not be taken during the event.

If any of the events need to be postponed because of adverse weather, we will be unable to invite parents to the rescheduled event due to our calendar being so full at this point in the school year. We would ask that the children have their P.E kit in every day so we can hold the sports day whenever we feel it is appropriate.

