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Parents' Evening

Parents’ Evening

We hope that you found the meeting with your child’s class teacher useful. Hopefully, the record sheet that you were given provided you with information to take away and refer to. If you have any further comments and questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

If you were unable to make the meeting, please contact your child’s class teacher to arrange another   appointment - it is extremely important that they are able to meet with you.

I know that class teachers will have spoken to you about your child’s attendance so far this term.  We try to update you regularly so you are aware of how many days your child has been absent from school as we know the impact of missing only a few days. We ask that you work with us to ensure that your child attends school regularly as good attendance goes hand in hand with good achievement.


Attendance during

one school year


Equals this

number of days


Which is                approximately this many weeks absent

Which means this

number of lessons




9 days

2 weeks

50 lessons


19 days

4 weeks

100 lessons


29 days

6 weeks

150 lessons


38 days

8 weeks

200 lessons

